12CPP.ZIP 376,756 03-10-95 12C++, HP 12C Calculator for Windows 100%compatible with the HP original and harder tolose! Fully sizeable, extensive help, andalternate dialog box entry. Includesconversion utility. If you like your 12C, you
1CRAZY.ZIP 60,091 01-21-95 CrazyCons Shareware Version! All new Iconsfor Windows! These DLL files will spice upyour Windows environment, and set you apartfrom the rest. These Icons are of highquality, and can be used in high quality
1SOLTV11.ZIP 585,864 01-11-95 SoLaTor Suite Volume 1. Version 1.1 Solitaregames for Windows 3.1 This Version is anupgrade that combines the five originalsolitaire games into 1 .exe file. Otherenhancements include a Toolbar with tool
3DVCP30.ZIP 886,416 04-18-95 ViSuAL CALENDER PLANNER 3.0 for Win <ASP> "AWallpaper A Day Keeps Trouble Away!" No needto load and run calendar, just set calendaras a wallpaper! This PC MAGAZINE AWARDWINNING PROGRAM + MANY OTHERS also features
3D_FRAME.ZIP 7,895 01-25-95 A Windows shell program for ZIP underWindows. Includes example source in C.
AAASS101.ZIP 20,284 03-10-95 AAASSS - AAA See Size Subs v1.01 - Graphsdirectory and/or subdirectories on a colorWindows pie chart. Simutaneously chartspercentages and sizes of directories manylevels deep. Easy and fun to use. Show at a
ABCD20.ZIP 571,333 01-10-95 A-B-CD 2.0 (16bit and 32bit versions). SuperCD player and database for Windows. If youenter the CD and song titles, they areautomatically remembered each time you usethat CD again. You can even rearrange song
ACTIO101.ZIP 1723,609 05-10-95 ACTION PROCESS AUTOMATOR FOR WINDOWS(TM) v1.3<ASP> Loaded from the StartUp group it takescharge over predetermined tasks, triggeringthem whenever they are scheduled to occur.edit, view and test scheduled actions.
ADBPRO10.ZIP 1168,208 03-07-95 Windows name/address/phone/label manager.Prints phone lists, address books, holidayslists, mailing and file-folder labels on anytype paper. Store unlimited notes for eachname. Allows searching and displaying of
ADDRDB30.ZIP 508,357 01-07-95 ADDRESS DATABASE 3.0 FOR WINDOWS <ASP> Thisname/address/phone/label manager is an easyway to keep track of all your personal andbusiness contacts. It stores and printsunlimited notes for each name, phone lists,
ADDRES31.ZIP 1068,430 01-14-95 >> ADDRESS BOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.1S << AddressBook for Windows is a Windows based pictoraladdress manager which allows the attachmentof a 256 color .BMP picture file with eachaddress. Other features include voice and
ALTPP15B.ZIP 487,827 04-22-95 Alpha, The Pager Program 1.5b Alpha-NumericPaging Software for Windows
ARCMAN2B.ZIP 145,415 04-14-95 Archive Manager Shell v2.0 Beta (ARCMAN) Anarchive and file manager for windows. Expandsarchives, edits text files, view and hex viewof huge files, superb file compare, multipleSoftware Development
AT30.ZIP 119,536 01-05-95 Application Timer Version 3.0 ApplicationTimer from Wintronix, Inc. is a Windowsprogram which launches applicationsunattended on a user definable schedule. Itwill launch DOS or Windows programs. It can
ATL22WIN.ZIP 394,618 04-22-95 // / NEU ATLANTIS 2.2 NEU/ /* Jetzt mitLaufwerksmanager */ // Sie haben Probleme mitWindows und dem Programm-Manager? Sie suchennach einer guten Alternative? Dann istAtlantis das Richtige fuer Sie. Es bietet
AUTOWN15.ZIP 1053,901 05-06-95 AutoWinNet 1.5 - Internet Automation! LeechTERABYTES of NEW files from the Internetwithout even being home! Performs FTP,USENET, MAIL, World Wide Web with ZEROeffort. He is an Add-On to your current
BBJ10.ZIP 638,584 03-14-95 Badlands Blackjack with full sound support
BCR221.ZIP 192,870 03-15-95 NEW! BusinessCards for Windows V2.2 <ASP>Extremely intuitive and easy to use free formdatabase/organizer. Elegant folio-like userinterface with tabs and flipping pages. WinMag "Superior Shareware" (Apr'95). AOL
BEARS1WN.ZIP 992,161 01-28-95 MYTHIC BEARS v1.0 is another in a series ofunique Windows screen savers from RealitySoftware which feature exceptional images.Mythic visionary art of bears and rare archivphotos of the Ainu Bear ritual comprise this
BENMAIL2.ZIP 60,446 01-25-95 BenMail - A Windows(tm) based Mail reader(part of the BenNet suite of programs)BenMail is a Windows 3.1 based internet mailreader, for use with WINDIS, KA9Q, and DICS,or any similar SMTP queueing systems.
BJPROF10.ZIP 413,374 04-26-95 BlackJack Professor for Windows is the mostpowerful and easy to use blackjack learningtool in existence. Features include- on-lineHelp, an ace count, simulations, & hundredscount, ace count, money, cards left,
BJW100_E.EXE 541,400 03-03-95 NEW!!! BlackJack For Windows Card Game
BLTW120.ZIP 251,609 01-05-95 [Bullet for Windows 1.20] is a super-fast,super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF,transaction-based, multi-user databasetoolkit for Windows compilers.
BMGR13.ZIP 397,705 01-15-95 BUTTON MANAGER PRO v1.3 A multi-icon-barWindows utility that provides quick access toapplications. P.Mgr groups and icons areautomatically reflected; each group becomes aresizable button bar that can separately be
BMPRAN11.ZIP 409,337 03-07-95 A utility that randomly changes your Windowsbackground (wallpaper) each time you log intoWindows or each time you run it. You can setit up to change a maximum of once a day (ifper day).
BMPZW230.ZIP 710,344 01-06-95 BitMapZ for Windows 2.30 <ASP> Bit map slideshow for Windows. Easy to setup and use.Allows an infinite number of slide shows withup to 32000 slides per show! YOU determinebackground, duration, priority of each slide
BM_BBAR1.ZIP 311,354 01-31-95 BM_BBAR v1.0 for Windows 3.1 and maybe moreFlying MacroBar Recorder for all your programplus Taskmanager with all functions for realprogramming. Shareware registration of up to50,- DM
BOXES400.ZIP 1169,171 02-01-95 Fun, challenging, and addictive puzzle gamefor windows! Clear the screen of crates bymatching falling, colored boxes. It's not aseasy as it looks! Boxes v4.00 SystemRequirements: * Windows 3.x * 4MB RAM * Mouse
BTWEEN12.ZIP 240,954 04-25-95 In Between 1.2 Good computer version of thecard game In Between.
CALPSC11.ZIP 424,058 03-07-95 A small calendar that can be accessed by hot-key. Allows you to print a calendar of anymonth or year. Contains a Julian Dateconverter and calculates the number of daysbetween 2 dates.
CAN250.ZIP 560,452 04-25-95 CANASTA FOR WINDOWS V2.5 Strategy cardgameplayed against the computer, using artificialintelligence. With sound & music support. Theplayer wins by melding cards and by makingcanastas. A canasta is a column of seven
CATMOVE1.ZIP 196,554 05-07-95 CATMOVES 1.0 ScreenSaver of Cats in Motion,Video
CDMW310.ZIP 953,902 01-29-95 CDMaster For Windows 3.10 <ASP> Helping youMaster your CD Library.It does what othercatalogers only dream of! Max flexibility(user defined fields, pick lists & more!)UNLIMITED Tunes, and individual artists for
CINSTP15.ZIP 328,776 01-15-95 CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO (for Windows). Thisprogram is an "off the shelf" installationpackage for Windows programs. It can be usedto install Windows packages of almost anysize (up to 45 installation disks). The files
CRW100_E.EXE 556,932 03-03-95 NEW!!! Crazy Eights For Windows Card Game!!!
CRYPTO20.ZIP 193,652 04-15-95 CRYPTO v2.0 <ASP> - Cryptogram puzzle gamefor Windows. Crypto is a Windows version ofthe popular Cryptogram puzzles often found inpuzzle books or the Sunday paper. Theshareware version comes with 250 quotes and
CWINFO.ZIP 249,419 03-04-95 Crystal Walls: Animated Wallpaper Info Anelectronic Crystal Walls brochure includinCrystal Walls replaces the Windows backgroundanimated, 3-D wallpaper scenes. The 18 activwith each other and respond to your actions.
CWKIT110.ZIP 179,011 04-25-95 Crossword Construction Kit V1.10 <WIN 3.1>features the unique ability to make puzzlesin fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzleshapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc)with the ability to create unlimited new
CWM10-A.ZIP 987,428 05-07-95 Crossword Mania! v1.0 [DISK 1/2] The completeCrossword puzzle package for Windows!SOLVE/BUILD/EDIT Crossword or Diagramlesspuzzles. Great for teachers and newspapereditors as well as the average crossword
CWM10-B.ZIP 831,736 05-07-95 Crossword Mania! v1.0 [DISK 2/2] Otherfeatures include: Solving up to 10 puzzlessimultaneously, timed puzzles, changing thepuzzle fonts, viewing puzzles in any size(great for the visually impared, who can
CWTRIAL.ZIP 974,386 03-04-95 Crystal Walls: Animated 3-D Wallpaper for WinA fully functional trial version of Crystal WCrystal Walls replaces the Windows backgroundanimated, 3-D wallpaper scenes. The 18 activ
DBASE121.ZIP 1741,554 05-10-95 DATABASE BROWSER v.1.21<ASP> Full edit, querysorting and printing capabilities. MSAccess1.1 (.MDB), dBASE III, dBASE IV, FoxPro 2.0 &2.5 (.DBF),Paradox (.DB) and Btrieve (.DDFand resized with the mouse. QBE (query by
DCARD30A.ZIP 431,658 03-29-95 MULTIMEDIA DIGICARD FOR WINDOWS v3.0 Turbocharge your memory and learning power!DigiCard is a highly acclaimed multimediaflash card system designed for people whosesuccess depends on the timely mastery of
DCARD30B.ZIP 480,236 03-29-95 DigiCard 3.0 - Windows Multimedia Flash CardSystem
DIARY25.ZIP 732,626 02-07-95 Diary v2.5 <ASP> Diary/journal program forWindows with password protection and printingcapability. Supports international dateformats. Has text search feature which allowsyou to quickly bring up all entries
DJVU1.ZIP 1298,302 04-26-95 DejaVu Chess Database for Windows (Demo);from Chessworks; Disk 1
DRAGFL20.ZIP 1483,571 05-05-95 DRAG AND FILE VERSION 2.0 <ASP> Very powerfuland easy Windows file manager- Drag And Fileis a very powerful replacement for WindowsFile Manager. Copy, move, view, zip filesfrom single or multiple windows. Config
DSKPIE11.ZIP 130,828 03-08-95 Disk Piecharter v1.1 <ASP> - GraphicalWindows Filemanager extension that shows diskusage per file and per directory in apiechart. Zoom in and out on piechartsegments (directories). Enables user to
DUALWIN.EXE 891,441 03-03-95 Dualstore for Windows Demo. Limited functioncode. Self extracts to diskette. SeeDUALSTOR.SCR for details.
E-CHES.ZIP 158,110 01-01-95 E-Chess for Windows
ECHICO.ZIP 5,254 01-26-95 Alternate Pieces for E-Chess
ECOPAD.ZIP 194,328 04-02-95 Ecopad v1.1x txt editr prints 8 pages txt on1 page Windows Notepad replacement whichcompresses pages, Ecopad can print up to 8pages of text on one sheet of paper. Includesprint preview, drag and drop, toolbar,more.
ED21.ZIP 221,444 04-25-95 Editeur V2.1 text editor for Windows 3.1x. Afull featured, all-users text editor. HandlesWindows, Dos, and Unix files. Multitext, nosize limit. Font choice. Tool and statusbars. Editing options incude word wrap and
EDITM24B.ZIP 279,924 01-04-95 Edit Master for Windows Version 2.4bReplacement for Windows Notepad. Edits filesof unlimited size. MDI, search/replace,recent file list, word wrap, configurabletool bar, UNIX conversion and much more.
ELWIN205.ZIP 160,699 05-11-95 Elwin 2.0 Heavy duty programmer's texteditor, like VI
EPW154.ZIP 272,695 03-20-95 Electronic Postal Window(tm) v1.50 US PostalRates look-up program. Enter the weight ofyour mailing piece and the postage isautomatically displayed. All classes of mail.Comparison feature shows most economical
EZB.ZIP 75,801 02-01-95 EZB, small, fast and friendly database program
FAMCAL13.ZIP 254,652 04-18-95 Family Calendar for Windows v1.3 <ASP> Printsfamily oriented, professional quality wallcalendars. Give as gifts to family andfriends. Make $$$ selling calendars. Auto-year counts. Purse or pocket tri-fold
FAXWIN34.ZIP 760,604 01-08-95 FaxMail for Windows adds full FAXingcapability menu to all Windows Applications.Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. -timed sends-broadcast queue holds 32,000 -works in DOSand Windows -GOOD help system -all functions
FF13W101.ZIP 199,569 01-29-95 FoxFire 13 Solitaire For Windows Version 1.01- by Randy Rasa and Todd Svec - Great cardgame from the creator of Solitiare Suite andthe SYSOP of FoxFire BBS. Simple to learn,extra sounds plus access to FoxFire BBS!
FILEPAL.ZIP 173,616 04-09-95 FilePal, file manager also gives version infofor .DLL, .VBX, etc.
FILESYS.ZIP 150,853 01-27-95 Demonstrates the use of the CFileSystemclass. Version 1.3 for MS Windows 3.1 andMSVC 1.0.
FMANJ14.ZIP 81,125 05-06-95 FILE MANAGER JR. 1.4 <ASP> File manager forWord for Windows 6.0.- A time-saving utilitythat lets you perform more than a dozenfile-management operations without switchingto the Windows File Manager. You can move,
FMSU325.ZIP 205,062 01-27-95 File Manager StepUp <ASP> v.3.25 - add-on forWin3.1 & WfWG3.11 - featured in Windows Mag.,Superior Shareware section, FM StepUp makesworking with File Manager easier: providesview, edit or print arbitrary files, and
FMTB223.ZIP 159,962 01-27-95 File Manager Toolbar <ASP> v.2.23 - featuredin Computer Shopper, Chaosoft Toolbar is anattractive alternative to the native Windowstoolbar. Fully user-customizable, it providesTools, handy 'tooltips' for novice users
FNAWIN.ZIP 904,665 04-24-95 FIRST NAME ALMANAC - for Windows. <ASP> Makesa commercial quality printout of:"The Meaningof More Than 14,500+ First Names." Incalligraphy script - suitable for framing.Designed for the entrepreneur who wants to
FPLACE12.ZIP 298,850 05-05-95 Favorite Places 1.20 Fast and powerful accessto applications from Windows
FS106.ZIP 224,264 04-25-95 Four Seasons 1.06, solitaire for Windows. Anaddictive, full-featured patience withmultimedia sound, 3-level undo, auto mode,card peeking, and challenge scoring! By RandyRasa. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
FSFW021.ZIP 762,853 01-23-95 FsFw version 0.21, an offline mail reader forWindows that support's squish, Hudson, Jam,*.Msg bases. This is a shareware version andalso a wide beta release so there are someand Function key's signature
GCATWN32.ZIP 142,256 02-01-95 Graphcat Clip Art Cataloger v3.2/Win <ASP>Builds graphics catalogs in WordPerfect 6.1,6.0 & 5.2/Windows. New in 3.2: WPWin 6.1 &5.2+ support, caption autosizing, CD-ROMsupport, directory searching. Reads all
GHTO395.ZIP 682,306 04-08-95 "A Glossary How To" shows how to properly adda "glossary" feature to your help files; desiissues, use of secondary windows, mid-topic jand keywords, extraction of files from baggagSINFIC, Portugal.
GHTOS395.ZIP 802,297 04-08-95 A Glossary How To Source 3/95 - source filesfor A Glossary How To 3/95
ICC118.ZIP 298,458 05-07-95 Internet Control Center 1.18, 4/25/95Internet task and desktop manager. Automatesconnect/disconnect, opens and closes clientsautomatically. Advanced window management andtask switching. User-configurable interface,
ICOMA16.ZIP 143,894 04-06-95 Icon Master v1.60 - Icon Master is an Icondisplay/Edit program that provides drag anddrop from viewer to editor a very powerfuleditor with many features that allow the userto easily design Icons. The viewer will
IMP10.ZIP 793,363 03-29-95 Image Master Plus v1.00 <ASP> Create apersonal screen-saver and image viewer withthis application tailored for amature andprofessional photographers, artists, andillustrators. Image Master can produce an
INSPAC.ZIP 1304,718 02-24-95 Inner Space for Win-shareware demo-graphics/so
ISPY215.ZIP 442,624 02-20-95 INFOSPY: V2.15 System Spy for Windows - New w- New Windows Screen Capture functions. 3 fundesktop image to the clipboard. You can copyscreen, a specific window or just a specific
IVU153.ZIP 194,834 01-27-95 InfView is a general purpose Windows FileViewer allowing you to view multiple files ofANY size in either ASCII, HEX, RAW ASCII,TEXT ONLY, BITMAP, PCX or GIF image modes.Unlike most other viewers, InfView reads the
JIXXA11.ZIP 1154,684 03-08-95 Jixxa Version 1.1 <ASP> - The Windows jigsawpuzzle. This package contains the sharewareversion of Jixxa, the premier Windows jigsawpuzzle program, plus 2 fun jigsaw puzzles toSystems, Inc. $24.95. Registered version
JOBHU62A.ZIP 1439,646 04-25-95 JOBHUNT 6-in-1, 6.2-L, The CompleteJob-Search Tool!
JOBHU62B.ZIP 345,566 04-25-95 JobHunt 6-in-1 for Windows, V.6.2L, 2-26-95JOBS RESUME CAREER EMPLOYMENT WINDOWS JOBContact 1000+ employers TONIGHT! Make moneyby doing mass mailings for others. Databaseof major employers. Full contact-info.
JOYSTICK.ZIP 11,813 01-08-95 This is a Joystick Driver for Windows
JUKER55.ZIP 631,814 03-05-95 The Juker 5.5 (16bit and 32bit versions).Super multimedia jukebox for Windows thatplays MIDI, WAV, AVI, etc. Supports songalbums, to organize multimedia files intological groups (jazz, classical, ..etc.).
LHADLL11.ZIP 53,408 02-15-95 LHA.DLL v1.10E (FREE SOFT) - DLL routine tocompress and extract files to and from LZHformat. Fully compatible with LHA utility.Includes Tiny LHA Ver 1.21E to compress /extract LZH files from Windows. Req:Win3.1
LIFE20.ZIP 336,673 01-11-95 LIFETIME for Windows v2.00 RevolutionaryPersonal Information Manager raisesease-of-use to a new level. Object-oriented,drag-and-drop interface. ExclusiveSelect-Dial and Select_Print. Scheduler, ToDo
LIFEUSA.ZIP 1129,377 04-25-95 LIFE IN THE USA v1.0 - A Complete WindowsGuide to American Life for Immigrants andAmericans covers adjusting to American life,making a living, education, health care,housing, safety, American customs, etc.
LKITWN30.ZIP 249,594 02-25-95 The Letterhead Kit 3.0/Win, by Jerry Stern.<ASP> Business Correspondence Assistant forWordPerfect 6.1, 6.0, 6.0a/Windows. Menumacro retrieves letterheads, fax coversheets, custom forms, scanned signatures, &
LOWELL10.ZIP 280,509 03-01-95 Rev. Lowell's Treasury of Humor v1.0 <ASP> -Hyper-indexed Win 3.1 collection of greatanecdotes, funny stories, zingy one-liners,revealing quotes. Search by topic, keywords,etc. Print or copy chosen items. Excellent
LVIEWP1A.ZIP 335,225 01-23-95 LView Pro is an image file editor forMicrosoft Windows 3.1, Win32s and Windows NT.It loads/saves image files in: JPEG JFIF, GIF87a/89a, TIFF, Truevision Targa, Windows andOS/2 BMP, ZSoft's PCX, and PBMPLUS' PBM, PGM
MDB42W1.ZIP 1246,771 05-05-95 Music Database System 4.2 Windows Databasesystem for large music collections
MDB42W2.ZIP 1398,506 05-05-95 Music Database System 4.2 Windows Databasesystem for large music collections
MDB42W3.ZIP 210,742 05-05-95 Music Database System 4.2 Windows Databasesystem for large music collections
MEDIT212.ZIP 140,960 04-29-95 Mega Edit (TM) v2.12 <ASP> - The very populargeneral purpose text editor for MicrosoftWindows that can edit very large files.Chosen one of the best programs for less than$50.00 in PC World roundup. Split window
MEDWAR15.ZIP 266,294 02-16-95 >> MEDWAR v1.5 - Medieval War << MEDWAR is aMicrosoft Windows strategy/war game set inmedieval times. MEDWAR allows for up to sixhuman or computer players, play-by-mailgames, handicapping with 24 strength levels,
MEGAE212.ZIP 139,571 01-16-95 Mega Edit (TM) v2.12 <ASP> - The very populargeneral purpose text editor for MicrosoftWindows that can edit very large files.Chosen one of the best programs for less than$50.00 in PC World roundup. Split window
MEZ101.ZIP 59,197 04-25-95 Mesmerize 1.01 is a MS Windows screen saver.Intense mesmerizing waves wash across yourscreen. It is totally configureable. At leasta 386 and a 256 color display driver isrequired. Shareware $9.99 U.S. Dollars.
MHEX10.ZIP 56,698 01-24-95 Magic Hexagons version 1.0 - A strategy gamefor Windows by Steven Porter Flip the colorsto form hexagonal patterns. NOTE: this gameis in no way related to Argo Games' HEXXAGONand HEXXAGON II
MINDM110.ZIP 295,036 04-23-95 MindMan v1.10 - MindMapping for Windows.MindMan allows you to graphically layout yourthoughts and ideas. You can use it on yourjob, projects, school, planning, or everydaylife whenever you want to brainstorm to the
MODSTA17.ZIP 177,666 05-11-95 ModemSta 1.7: Animated icon replica or largerindicator displays of modem's front panel.Several great 3D looks, with customizablecolors. For use with internal, external andPCMCIA modems. Modem initialization, logging
MRVEGA20.ZIP 60,419 04-25-95 Windows. Includes the most needed 800 numbersfor Travelers. Hotels, Airlines, and Autorentals. Las Vegas hotels, food, shows. LARGEeasy-to-read colorful text. EZ WindowsInstall. Run or click on Install. Freeware.
MTWIN11A.ZIP 318,529 01-30-95 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.1 for Windows <ASP> Anexcellent way to encourage musical studyusing a graphically oriented environment.Treble / Bass note & chord sight reading.Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict.
MTWIN11B.ZIP 333,691 01-30-95 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.1 for Windows <ASP> 2of 2
NSCN36.ZIP 757,480 04-15-95 NutriSoft Compleat Nutritionist for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software package.Analyzes almost 30 nutrients and includesOmega-3 Counter to help lower cholesterol.Has glucose and blood pressure trackers, BMI,
NSEWWL35.ZIP 704,755 04-25-95 NutriSoft EAT WELL, WEIGH LESS for Windows Todiet successfully, you've got to enjoy whatyou eat. Dieting mustn't mean depriva- tion.Use this incredible program to designnutritious, tasty, and well-balanced meals to
NSHHN35.ZIP 696,670 04-25-95 NutriSoft HEALTHY HEART NUTRITION for WindowsBased on US Surgeon General's guidelines toavoid obesity and coronary heart disease.Nutrients analyzed: calories, protein, fat,saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate.
NSLYC32.ZIP 674,289 04-25-95 NutriSoft LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL for WindowsComprehensive nutrition software: excellentinterface, huge food database, extensiveactivity data. Eat right, lose weight, lowercholesterol. Analysis of fat, calories,
NSNFW35.ZIP 704,546 04-25-95 NutriSoft NUTRITION FOR WOMEN for Windowsaddresses the unique nutritional needs ofwomen from adolescent through pregnancy andold age. Major diseases affect more womenthan men. Obesity, osteoporosis, heart dis-
NSPWLD34.ZIP 689,443 04-25-95 NutriSoft PYRAMID WEIGHT LOSS DIET - WindowsInnovative nutrition software. Indispensableto those who want a more desirable weight.Based on USDA Food Guide Pyramid and SurgeonGeneral's guidelines to avoid obesity.
NTS20.ZIP 82,204 05-06-95 Notes v2.0 - A superb utility for Windowsusers. Notes is a "post-it" style utilitythat is extremely flexible - use as a diary,alarms, schedular, reminder, etc. Passwordyour files too! Written by Steven Porter.
NX10B2.ZIP 115,111 01-17-95 News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #2 is a WindowsSockets compliant USENET newsreader forMicrosoft Windows that uses the NNTP toaccess newsgroups and articles on a newsserver. Features include: - Use Windows
ODAYW300.ZIP 408,928 03-29-95 OMNIDay for Windows 3.00 <ASP> Computer diaryprogram with many features and toggles. Hasover 10000 encryption options & keys. Canhandle up to 10 users at once and has a fullfeatured text editor. Internally calls up
OJRACE.ZIP 1298,804 02-03-95 O.J. Game 1.1 - O.J.'s Race to AcquittalO.J.'s All-American Race to Acquittal: Startyour Bronco and hit the highway as you joinO.J. in his All-American Race to Acquittal.The object of the game is to get twelve
OMEGA.ZIP 1929,082 04-03-95 Order of Omega arcade game
OWLITE.ZIP 93,895 01-21-95 OverWrite Lite for Windows 3.1 automaticallyprints background watermarks such as COPY orDRAFT under output from almost any Windowsapplication using LaserJet 2, 3 or 4compatible printers. Custom messages can be
PEGAFX1.ZIP 877,455 03-17-95 PEGASUS SOFTWARE'S PEGAFX(tm) 1.0 Sound &Visual Effects Rotator for Windows PEGAFX(tm)will automatically and randomly change yourSound Effect WAV and Wallpaper BMP filesevery time you start Windows to give you
PFW100C.ZIP 1178,153 04-22-95 PowerFleet 1.00c Fleet and EquipmentManagement for Windows
PHISHSA2.ZIP 144,300 03-12-95 New Net Version of PhishSaver 3/95 WindowsScreensaver for Phishheads
PHOW156A.ZIP 1397,420 05-01-95 PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEM <ASP>PHONICS for WINDOWS is here !!!! With realSPEECH - The PHONICS READING and SPELLINGSYSTEM will teach children and adults thePHONETICS reading and spelling methods. By0F 2
PHOW156B.ZIP 460,036 04-29-95 PHONICS 123 READING & SPELLING SYSTEM <ASP>PHONICS for WINDOWS is here !!!! With realSPEECH - The PHONICS READING and SPELLINGSYSTEM will teach children and adults thePHONETICS reading and spelling methods. By0F 2
PINI10.ZIP 4,394 01-08-95 PINI.BAS v1.0 is a VB3/Windows module toread/write any INI file. It is written innative VB code and no VBX control isrequired. There are no 'nag' screens or fees.It is FreeWare. Written January 1995 by Tim
PITALK25.ZIP 329,317 04-25-95 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.5 - Talking Clock FileThese are the Talking Clock files for Plug-InIf you have a sound card and you wish to usethe Talking Clock feature in Plug-In, pleasedownload this file! Note: This release
PITCC1.ZIP 451,014 01-24-95 PLUG-IN for Windows - Extra T-Clock Files!These are additional Talking Clock files forPlug-In. If you have a sound card and youwish to use the Talking Clock feature inPlug-In, please download this file! Note that
PLUG251.ZIP 507,927 04-25-95 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.51> Plug It In! Fillsthe holes in Windows. Award-Winning utility(5 major industry awards!). Title Bardisplays, Alarms, Scheduler, App Installer,Sound Support (Events, Talking Clock, etc),
PLUGIN25.ZIP 514,242 01-24-95 PLUG-IN for Windows v2.5> Plug It In! Fillsthe holes in Windows. Award-Winning utility(5 major industry awards!). Title Bardisplays, Alarms, Scheduler, App Installer,Sound Support (Events, Talking Clock, etc),
PS3D12.ZIP 330,468 03-05-95 PHOTO SHOW 3D v1.20 <ASP> - 3D Screen Saverfor Windows that maps a BMP or PCX image tothe surface of a 3D object and tumbles itacross the screen. Great for company logosand family photos. Now includes password
PSCCAL10.ZIP 408,571 01-07-95 PERPETUAL CALENDAR 1.0 FOR WINDOWS <ASP> ThisWindows application displays and prints acalendar for any month or any year. Alsodisplays the day number of the year,calculates Julian Date, and determines thehot-key.
PSP30.ZIP 1410,233 03-04-95 Paint Shop Pro v3.0 <ASP> The completewindows graphics program for image creation,viewing, and manipulation. Features includepainting with 8 brushes, photo retouching,image enhancement and editing, color
PSTAR100.ZIP 493,496 03-04-95 PlanStar v1.00a <ASP> Resource SchedulingSystem for Windows. Tracks categorizedevents, and records/summarizes hours anddollars for multiple resource types, in oneintegrated database. User selects any
PSYFSS.ZIP 268,253 03-13-95 Psych'd Stealie Windows Screen Saver
QCW110.ZIP 353,193 04-25-95 QCOPY for WINDOWS v1.1. Powerful and fastfloppy disk duplication and format utility.Supports standard DOS (incl 2.8 ED), exter-nal and simulated drives. Diskettes can befiled or unpacked on the hard drive. True
QWINPRT.ZIP 21,896 01-04-95 QWinPrt-Almost FREE Windows Screen Print Util
RESAL11.ZIP 17,378 05-05-95 Resource Alert 1.1 for Windows helps you keeptrack of your Windows resources (such asmemory) and alerts you when they are runninglow. This helps you to avoid Windows crashesand protect your data.
RPW12.ZIP 669,940 05-02-95 The Recipe Processor For Windows v 1.2
RRR33.ZIP 58,528 04-25-95 ROGER'S RAPID RESTART v3.30 - Exit YOUR way!RRR is the most powerful tool of its kind! Itallows you to exit or restart Windows; exitWindows, run a DOS app, and restart Windows;an Icon to exit Windows instantly! From
SABDU291.ZIP 349,220 02-01-95 SAB*Diskette*Utility*Version*2.91*(ASP)THE*MS*Windows*Diskette*UtilityFormat/copy/compare/save floppy disketteimages in foreground or background. Read adiskette once and make multiple copies. Save
SDRAW103.ZIP 515,353 01-30-95 SMARTDRAW 1.03 - Draw & Flowchart for Win31SmartDraw is the easy-to-use program forWindows that lets anyone draw great lookingflowcharts,diagrams and business graphics.Better value and easier to use than Visio,
SDZW215.ZIP 986,633 03-09-95 SoundZ For Windows 2.15 <ASP> The ULTIMATEaudio librarian handles tapes, CDs,45s,LPs,78s, reels AND MORE! UNLIMITED tunesper side, standard header info PLUS a textfile for each title of up to 5000 lines. Even
SEAS22.ZIP 133,900 04-17-95 SEASCAPE 2.2 - Realistic Fish <ASP> Seascapeis a Windows 3.1 screen saver which displaysrelatively realistic fish swimming andeating; it works with the built-in Windowsscreen saver utility. Seascape is shareware
SHFFL100.ZIP 22,181 01-17-95 Shuffle 1.0 Makes puzzle from BMP, ICO or WMFfile. Requires Windows 3.1
SIGN11.ZIP 337,637 03-01-95 The Signature Program allows you to embed asignature object into a document created withanother Windows application. The signatureobject looks like your own hand- writtensignature, and can be printed or transmitted
SL1009.ZIP 403,833 03-02-95 SlipStream Jet 1.0 - SLIP/PPP Internet USENETnews and Email to QWK format. The firstWindows program to download and upload USENETnews and EMail in QWK format for use with adial up SLIP/PPP account, OR TCP/IP network.
SMTADR20.ZIP 462,503 03-05-95 SMART ADDRESS management for Windows! Asophisticated Windows address managementsystem. Direct Links to any WordProcessor,Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word,Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing
SMTDOC15.ZIP 51,504 03-07-95 SmartDoc R1.5 - Extract/Print Windows Help!This simple utility allows you take a WindowsHelp File and either extract all the textfrom it into a plain-text file, or print thewhole thing including graphics. Either way,
SMTSTK11.ZIP 166,019 03-07-95 Smart 'n Sticky V1.1 - Labelling for Windowswith FULL OLE CLIENT SUPPORT - giving you thepower of packages such as Corel Draw, MSWordArt and hundreds more! Easy to use withimport from ASCII & DBF, vast range of
SMTSUM15.ZIP 304,876 03-08-95 SmartSum Calculator v1.5 - Windows basedtalking printing calculator/adding machine(no sound card needed). Host of featuresincluding loading/saving of calculations;notes by entries; user-defineable macros;
SMWIN201.ZIP 370,907 01-23-95 Smart R8 Control for Windows v2.01 Smart R8Control for Windows v2.01 is a powerful newWindows 3.1 control program for the Drake R8receiver. Now includes better logging andbrand new Memory Mgmt. Windows v3.1, color
SOLATR09.ZIP 326,799 01-13-95 SoLaTor is a group of Windows 3.1 SolitaireGames. They have WAV sounds, high scores, anda 3D Menu. They require Qcard.dll ver. 2 andVBRUN300.DLL.
SPAC163E.ZIP 871,259 01-08-95 Space Hound 1.63 Win Disk Utility Findduplicate files, "sniff out" wasted space andforgotton files. Includes printable directorytree which reports storage usage withinnested directories. Version info display,
SPHRJNG1.ZIP 925,684 04-29-95 *MORAFFWARE:Spherical Mahjongg!3D graphics!*Moraff's Spherejongg is like Mahjongg withspherical pieces. It is much easier to play,but just as challenging to win! The largeglobe-shaped 3D tiles are very easy to
SRGWN413.ZIP 664,982 01-02-95 "Shareware Reference Guide: Windows edition",a comprehensive catalog published by RobRosenberger each month in Windows .HLP fileformat. It provides detailed listings of allknown shareware products for Windows, and it
STAB210.ZIP 402,806 04-22-95 STABLE TECHNICAL GRAPHS v2.10 - Financialtechnical analysis for Microsoft Windows 3.1and above. Excellent user interface. Featuresinteractive chart drawing, Point & Figure,20+ indicators, DDE, scalable charts,
STARD11.ZIP 10,603 01-11-95 StarDate for Windows 1.0b 2094993.44.592StarDate displays the star date as used inthe Star Trek The Next Generation series. Itcontinually displays the star datecorresponding with the current "Earth
STAYUP11.ZIP 16,653 01-11-95 Stay-Up 1.1 for Windows allows you to markcertain applications to stay on top ofwhatever other programs are running. Thisprevents them from getting lost and keepsthem visible and easily accessable.
SUPAL10.ZIP 19,884 01-11-95 Super Alarm for Windows allows you to setalarms for certain dates and times and have amessage pop up at these dates and times toremind you of important events. It will alsoremind you to take breaks and allow you to
SURFSUP5.ZIP 242,853 01-05-95 Surf's Up! attaches sounds to specificprograms, as well as system events
SYSSCAN.ZIP 494,200 03-06-95 System Scanner v1.0 for Windows This is afree systems resource monitor that availabledisk space, etc.. It can be lowere viewing.This software can be distributed frresponsibility for any damage your system may
TAGIT100.ZIP 150,369 05-05-95 TagIt v1.0 - Adds easy-to-use bookmark andother navigation features to Win3.1. You can:*Jump back to previous views with hot key.*Mark scroll position with a tag and jumpback there with a click on it. *Make notes on
TCALL102.ZIP 973,846 04-22-95 THECALL 1.02 - Feature rich Windows Terminalwritten by SysOps who listened to users. Dragand Drop file transfers from File Manager,Script Language, Auto Zmodem, SimpleInstallation, Toolbar, Direct access to Mail
TCT230.ZIP 895,094 02-17-95 TC's TOOLBOX v2.3 <ASP> Windows Utilities, 9programs, view files/fonts/icons & more!Contains: Font Viewer, Hex File Viewer, TextEditor, System Monitor, Phone Dialer,Stopwatch, Save It!, Big Cal & Code
TKB208.ZIP 462,432 04-25-95 SmartTracker Books v2.08 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,Organize and Catalog your book collection.Enter a multitude of information about yourbooks. Rate them, Locate them, Catagorizethem and Catalog them. Even contains a
TKC205.ZIP 460,628 04-25-95 SmartTracker Coins v2.05 <WINDOWS 3.1> Track,Organize and Catalog your coin collection.Select Country, Category and Condition. EnterFace Value, Market Value, Year Minted, Mint,Mark, Quantity, Comments, etc. Modify
TKHZ207.ZIP 460,416 04-25-95 SmartTracker Inventory v2.07 <WINDOWS 3.1>Track, Organize and Catalog your personalpossessions. Track Item, Location, Owner,Worth, Warranty, Category and more. Createand modify your own Categories, Locations and
TKS207.ZIP 476,924 04-25-95 SmartTracker Stamps v2.07 <WIN 3.1> Track,Organize and Catalog your stamp collection.Select Country, Topic, Stamp Type, Conditionand more. Enter Description, Catalog Number,Comments. Modify Country and Topic lists to
TKV207.ZIP 464,229 04-25-95 SmartTracker Videos v2.07 <WIN 3.1> Track,Organize and Catalog your Video Collection.Enter a multitude of information about yourvideos. Rate them, Number them, Catagorizethem, Specify Formats, Stars, Director,
TOPS11.ZIP 215,175 04-20-95 Save Paper and Time - TOPS for Windows THEKING of Paper-Saving for Windows! Let TOPSShow You How To Do Far More Than You EverImagined Printing Reduced Text Files orCreating Booklets. EXTREME POWER: 1 to 256
TRR10A.ZIP 1147,350 04-25-95 THE RIGHT RESUME for Windows v1.0 TRR is apowerful Windows-based job hunting package.Very powerful, yet easy to use. Create choiceof 3 different resume types; Fully-functionalWYSIWYG word processor for cover letters,
TRR_1C.ZIP 1145,976 03-10-95 THE RIGHT RESUME for Windows v1.0 TRR is apowerful Windows-based job hunting package.Very powerful, yet easy to use. Create choiceof 3 different resume types; Fully-functionalWYSIWYG word processor for cover letters,
ULTBLAS3.ZIP 587,323 03-31-95 *MoraffWare-Best Breakout Game! Cool Sound!*Moraff's Ultra Blast is a super-high- qualityanimated arcade game for Windows! Texturedbackgrounds, spinning swirls and blinkingeyes for balls, full sound! Version 3.0: 1)
UNFORGI2.ZIP 570,963 04-01-95 HOTTEST SVGA EVER!! SUPERB 3D IMAGING!!Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven, Module I(Now includes a character converter toconvert characters from Moraff's World): Thisstunning dungeons and monsters game contains
UPD8R_41.ZIP 282,024 03-12-95 WinUpD8R v4.1 <ASP> - If you use "floppy net"to move files back and forth betweencomputers, you NEED this program!! Finalistin PCMAG Best Windows Utility Category.WinUpD8R can automatically keep your files
VGW101.ZIP 1145,737 03-30-95 VAR Grade for Windows Grade prgm v1.01A <ASP>Extremely flexible grading and attendanceprogram. Plots, statistics, seating charts,numerous printouts, database items, sections,average, discard, sum, and require tasks
VIDW210.ZIP 1001,291 03-09-95 VideoMaster For Windows 2.10 <ASP> Videocataloging & labeling system that has theMOST flexibility for users. Standard entries,3 user defined/ named fields, plus a Synopsisof up to 2000 lines. 4 label styles/sizes.
VISTA10.ZIP 1184,002 04-23-95 Vista: view, manipulate all image-file formats
WCPD15.ZIP 63,249 05-05-95 Complete Program Deleter 1.5 for Windowsremoves all files and directories added to adisk by any installation utility, andrestores AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS,SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete
WE31A16I.ZIP 1279,668 01-19-95 WinEdit 3.1A (BETA)- Programmable Editor forWindows Environment. Fast, full featurededitor, or simple file browser. High speed,super powerful. Edits any size files. Chromacoding. Macro language in Pro Version. Lite
WE31A32I.ZIP 1273,569 01-19-95 WinEdit 3.1A (BETA)- Programmable Editor forWindows Environment. Fast, full featurededitor, or simple file browser. High speed,super powerful. Edits any size files. Chromacoding. Macro language in Pro Version.
WHIZN211.ZIP 508,662 01-21-95 WhizNotes for Windows: Version S2.1 <ASP>Super-notepad with powerful topic managementfeatures to organize your text. Use it totake down random notes; to do research; toorganize your tasks; to study any subject; to
WINDJNG1.ZIP 538,922 04-01-95 *MoraffWare*Best Mahjongg Ever!*For Windows*Moraff's Morejongg is the finestimplementation ever made of the ancientChinese tile game! This great game has thefollowing features: Version 1.0: 1) Great 3Dformat as a
WINDUP41.ZIP 492,396 04-26-95 Win Dupe v4.1 - Windows utility that searchesone or all disk drives (including network) tofind all EXACT duplicate files. Also allowsyou to view the file details by name, size,
WINICPA1.ZIP 940,927 01-06-95 WINICPA is a Windows 3.1(Enhanced mode)application for configuring PC Companyhardware and software. Will configure/priceIBM brand PCs. File 1/3
WINICPA3.ZIP 1297,554 01-06-95 WINICPA is a Windows 3.1(Enhanced mode)application for configuring PC Companyhardware and software. Will configure/priceIBM brand PCs. File 3/3
WINJONG.ZIP 536,480 03-01-95 *MoraffWare*Best Mahjongg Ever!*For Windows*Moraff's Morejongg is the finestimplementation ever made of the ancientChinese tile game! The great game has thefollowing features: 1) Great 3D graphics,format as a
WINPRO32.ZIP 444,785 02-23-95 WINPROOF v3.2 <ASP> - This is the Windowsgrammar and spelling checker that you've beenwaiting for. WinProof detects real grammarerrors like dropped words, extra words, wordsmore! Automatically corrects errors and
WINTOUCH.ZIP 34,236 01-18-95 TOUCH!, TOUCH! for Windows and TOUCH! forWindows NT/95 A touch program allows you toset the date and time of a file on a disk toany date and time you desire. This has manybenefits, such as setting the time of files
WINXIT.ZIP 35,810 04-09-95 @84@Speed Xit Windows Exiting Program @12@Real Nice!! >> Speed Xit 2.1e Windows fastexit << Speed Xit is a program that allowsyou not only to exit quickly from Windows,but also allows you to restart Windows, and
WMSD83.ZIP 566,626 04-25-95 ______ WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v8.3 ______Comprehensive financial program with graphs.Provides calculations and projections forSaving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth,Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
WNMAI250.ZIP 1000,403 04-13-95 WinNET Mail (tm) v2.50 <ASP> - Direct accessto the world-wide Internet and Usenetnetworks with powerful Windows MDI E-MailSystem. Toolbar, Mail Folders, MessageSearch, Binary Transfer, Scheduling, TCP/IPPC Magazine.
WPIM40.ZIP 1400,071 04-06-95 This PIM is perhaps the easiest one you willever use. A full drag and drop interface isincluded with a perpetual calendar & plannerto the year 9000. Store up to 21,000 entriesin the Rolodex Style Phonebook. Dial, Fax
WSC-221E.ZIP 630,828 04-20-95 VirusScan for Windows new version 2.2.0 (221)04/20/95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleansPC's/LAN's for known and new viruses.Requires Windows 3.1+.
WSC-221I.ZIP 1324,173 04-20-95 VirusScan for Windows Version 2.2.0 (221)with INSTALL
WSKIT110.ZIP 202,330 04-25-95 Word Search Construction Kit V1.10 <WIN 3.1>features the unique ability to make puzzlesin fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzleshapes (circles, apples, hearts, etc) withthe ability to create unlimited new shapes.
WSSW11.ZIP 462,235 01-05-95 WALL STREET SIMULATOR FOR WINDOWS 1.1 <ASP>Learn how to trade and manage a portfoliowithout putting your own money at risk. Usesdata from popular online services to updatethe value of your portfolio. Compare your
WW3012A.ZIP 413,252 04-06-95 Wordware v3.0: The hottest collection of over55 macros and templates. Everything fromcopying a file, to managing your projects tomanaging your business contacts. A full-fledged PIM and a full-function CD Player are
WWWIN_03.ZIP 443,859 02-26-95 WWWIN_03.ZIP Vol.1 No.3-WindoWatch (in theAcrobat (*.pdf) format.See:Windows95;A Betareport by JMarchi; Is WGfW in your future? byP.Williamson; The Computer as an Appli- byHerb Chong; humor;Pipeline review & more.
WZFOLD21.ZIP 303,605 01-21-95 WhizFolder for Windows: Version S2.1 <ASP>Allows you to manage your free-formatinformation easily and effectively. UsingWhizFolder, you can record your notes andideas instantly into separate topics without
WZIPSE10.ZIP 116,864 02-27-95 WinZip Self-Extractor-Make Windows SFX FilesDo you need to send files to end users whomay not have an unzip utility? If so, tryWinZip Self-Extractor, an optional add-on forWinZip. WinZip Self-Extractor creates native
XWDWIN11.ZIP 199,784 04-25-95 Crossdown for Windows v1.10 Solve andconstruct professional crosswords on yourWindows computer! New features includeSCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support withSPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-link"install.
YT10.ZIP 202,945 03-13-95 Ancient Yacht v1.00 <ASP>. Try Ancient Yachtand you'll agree, you've never played yahtzeelike this one. An ancient scroll and stonecup sit on a marble table waiting for yourplay. Click on the cup and it shakes, and
ZIPSRV13.ZIP 797,629 05-10-95 ZIP SERVER FOR WINDOWS(TM) v1.3 <ASP> Easy touse, fast Windows utility for creating,updating, viewing, commenting and extractingPKZIP 2.04g compatible archives. Multi volumearchives. Simple check box control for
ZIPW202.ZIP 384,933 01-15-95 ZIP Fugue - ZIP file handler v2.0 <ASP> DOS(ZIPD12) & Windows (ZIPW20) & 4DOS descripts.Allows you to tag files to add to a ZIP filein full screen mode, and then add them alongtheir descriptions. You can also tag the
ZPROW215.ZIP 559,217 04-25-95 ZIP'R Pro For Windows v2.15 <ASP> HD TriplerZIP'R Pro stores programs in compressed formwhen they are not being used. Use ZIP'R Proto automatically decompress a program,execute it, and recompress it again. Uses